At Prolisur Acústica we have the most advanced instrumentation (sonometers, accelerometers, spectral analyzers, acoustic cameras, etc.) and the best modeling software to achieve the design and dimensioning of the optimal solution in each case.
Our team of engineers and installers who are experts in applying noise and vibration control systems are highly trained to guarantee noise reduction and improve the acoustic quality of rooms and activity venues (bars, restaurants, gyms...), training rooms , industry, construction, work centers, auditoriums, theaters, cinemas and infrastructures, as well as carrying out studies for urban plans, noise maps and audiovisual media(rehearsal rooms, radio studios and TV sets).

Acoustic Studies
Prolisur Acústica carries out Acoustic Studies as required by regulations, both noise and vibration, for environmental authorizations or licenses for new commercial and leisure activities or expansion of existing ones (bars, restaurants, supermarkets, gyms, dance academies, workshops, etc. ).

The Acoustic Study written by specialized personnel allows future noise problems to be analyzed in the phase prior to the start-up of the activity, saving costs, time and inconvenience before they occur.
Sound pressure levels above 70 dBA
Although the environmental acoustic regulatory requirements for new activities and/or modifications of existing ones, likely to generate noise and/or vibrations, are extensive and rigorous, it is generally established that any activity or installation project that generates sound pressure levels greater than 70 dBA, they will require for authorization the presentation of said acoustic study written by competent technical personnel, whether or not they are subject to Environmental Qualification (CA).
Acoustic advice and consultancy
Prolisur Acústica advises on the interpretation of the requirements and writes environmental justifying acoustic reports (Regulations of the National Noise Law RD 1367/07, and of all the regional acoustic regulations and municipal noise ordinances in Spain).
Advice based on three levels
The Prolisur Acoustic team
The Prolisur Acústica team in continuous training is made up of personnel with extensive experience in the practical application of the regulations and the execution of the solutions, for which we guarantee the optimization of their resources.
Our work system is supported by a wide and up-to-date package of tools:
- Airborne noise insulation calculation models for elements and construction solutions.
- Airborne noise insulation calculation models between rooms: application of the UNE EN ISO 12354:1 standard.
- Airborne noise insulation calculation models on facades and roofs: application of the UNE EN ISO 12354:2 Standard.
- Calculation models for structural noise insulation between enclosures: application of the UNE EN ISO 12354:3 standard.
- Justification of silencers by means of the DD Norms.
- Justification of screens and acoustic cabins by means of the NN Standard.
- Acoustic modeling for interior and exterior spaces.
- Modeling of reverberation times.
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