Energy rehabilitation without spills for communities of owners is a service that Prolisur performs in collaboration with EOS Energy. It consists of a comprehensive rehabilitation and improvement of buildings that includes the energy transformation of the property, paying for the works through financing and savings achieved.

This service has two great advantages: on the one hand, the possibility of obtaining a GRANT OF UP TO 80% from the European Union and, on the other hand, that the Public Treasury ALLOWS YOU TO DEDUCE IN PERSONAL INCOME TAX up to 60% of the non-subsidized portion.

  • We guarantee energy savings by contract.
  • We make investments in Energy Saving Measures and we are committed to the savings they generate, in such a way that their benefit is directly related to the effectiveness of the measures that have been adopted.
  • We finance 100% of the investment and let the savings and aid from the Administration pay for it, practically in its entirety.
  • With a clause in the contract that sets a maximum spending ceiling, above which it will not pay.
  • We assume the risk if the measures adopted do not meet expectations. This is the best guarantee during the 15 years, nothing can fail.

What does energy rehabilitation without spills include?

Improved thermal envelope

thermal envelope
  • Facade insulation with SATE system
  • Roof waterproofing and insulation
  • Change of windows and carpentry

Improvement of thermal installations

Improvement of thermal installations
  • Hot/cold air conditioning
  • High efficiency boilers
  • Installation of individualization of consumption (already mandatory)

Installation of renewable energies

Installation of renewable energies
  • Solar thermal and photovoltaic energy
  • Aerothermia
  • Cogeneration, biomass, small wind, geothermal…

Lighting and electrical installations

Lighting and electrical installations
  • Adaptation to current regulations
  • Lighting using LED technology
  • Installation of presence detectors

Sustainable mobility

sustainable mobility
  • Installation of charging points for electric cars
  • Installation of bicycles and electric scooters

Related insulation services

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