Garages and Basements

We guarantee waterproofing from the inside in underground constructions, where water, leaks and humidity are frequent problems. The high qualification and experience of our technicians, together with the most advanced waterproofing equipment and systems, allow us to solve the most serious problems with the greatest efficiency and the lowest budget.

Garage leak problemUnderground garage waterproofing and repair
Previous state of the garage with humidity in the walls and water leaksGarage wall waterproofing

A watertight basement implies, in most cases, doubling the space of a home and is essential in blocks of flats where there is a parking lot. A basement that you do not have enabled or do not use, but is watertight, increases the value of the home and avoids potentially serious risks in the structure of the building.

In general, few basements tolerate moisture well: buried walls, plaster coatings, carpets, paint, vinyl and even laminate flooring end up corrupting and developing dampness and fungus.

Many people find that applying quick fixes, such as coating the inside of the basement wall, will suffice. However, this will not solve the actual moisture problem.

Causes of humidity in basements

  • Land leveling: land that is not level or that slopes towards the house can send water towards the foundation and end up leaking into the house.
  • Drains and gutters: the lack of these elements -or their maintenance- can block them, allowing the water to fall towards other areas not prepared to support that
  • Poor window wells: a poorly designed or poorly executed window well is a
    sensitive area for water accumulation.
  • Poor maintenance of key elements: some elements such as the pump that drains the sump need to work perfectly so that water does not accumulate and flood.
  • Structural pathologies: different construction pathologies can lead to cracks in the wall, thus allowing water to seep into the basement

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